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A 19th century dwelling

Villa Caratti was built in the Liberty style at the end of 1800 by an aristocratic family, the Scottish Barons of Mildmay.

Located at the extreme north end of the Bay of Sirens, past San Vigilio, the Villa is situated in one of the most famous and prized places in Lake Garda. Over time, these incredible landscapes have been visited by poets, celebrities and aristocrats, such as Maria Luigi the Duchess of Parma, The King of Naples, Emperor Alexander of Russia and Prince Charles of the United Kingdom, along with other personalities such as Winston Churchill, the scientist Offo Hahn and his wife, the actor Laurence Olivier, the actress Vivien Leigh and the painter Edith Junghands. They all loved these magical places that Goethe wrote about.

Impressed by the magic and the unparalleled beauty of the landscape, the Scottish Barons of Mildmay built Villa Caratti at the end of the 19th century. You can see the noble family’s coat of arms depicted in an enchanting mosaic in the loggia, situated in front of the Villa’s main terrace.

The renovation

From the 1950s to the present

In the 1950s, Villa Mildmay was bought by Sir Mario Caratti, the paternal great-uncle of the owner at that time, Daniel Giacometti. From this moment onwards, it became the Villa Caratti and has remained in the Caratti-Giacometti family to this day. The first renovation phase was undertaken in the 1990s by Giorgio Giacometti, Mario Caratti’s NEPHEW/GRANDSON who added a mansard extension and put in a lift shaft.

An important phase was started in 2011 by the current owner Daniel Giacometti under the supervision of the architect Luigi Bruno. The result perfectly fused the Villa’s historic and classical elements with new, modern and functional ones, transforming Villa Caratti into a modern dwelling, complete with all mod cons, such as an underfloor heating and cooling system and a spa area with a sauna, Turkish bath and an indoor swimming pool.

The renovation was finished in June 2016 with a redesign of the 10,000 square metre grounds that surround the Villa, where new plants were added next to the existing 100-year- old specimens.

The work was completed with the construction of a new infinity pool with breathtaking views of Lake Garda. You can appreciate the peace and harmony of the grounds by strolling around them, or simply by enjoying the view from the Villa.

The project, designed by Giacometti and carried out by Bruno, conveys a sense of calm and peace. The amazing view of the lake has been emphasised by the use of pastel colours in the Villa and the combination of modern and antique furniture results in a light and elegant atmosphere.

Quanto vorrei avere i miei amici accanto per godere insieme del panorama che mi si presenta dinanzi!